Not a lot of people know about our battery problems, and quite a lot wouldn't be terribly interested, anyway. More fool you, they might say, going to sea with duff batteries.
Anyway, you can read about it here: The Battery Issue.
During the ride to Grimsby, Astonel suffered a battery failure, and after a lot of faffing around, a butch battery testing device identified one of the house batteries as being defunct.
However - we also reckoned that the 100amp charge splitter had not been happy under the regime of the 125amp alternator. Muggins hadn’t really thought about that in the time the replacement engine was installed, but it was odd that it hadn’t failed earlier.
The long night out on engine, with all electrical things blazing away, may have had the alternator providing more than the little charge splitter could cope with. And then, it seems that it had failed, because replacing it revealed two things: the charging system began working properly, and the battery cabling to the splitter had been reversed during the engine installation - this was only seen when the new splitter was being installed. Our fingers remain crossed, but all seems well.
Here's a picture of a charge splitter.
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